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Floppy Power 4-pin Berg to USB Power Coupler Joiner Adapter


Floppy Power 4-pin Berg to USB Power Socket Coupler Joiner Adapter
This adapter lets you power a USB socket with a 4-pin floppy power Berg-style connector. It has mounting holes in the adapter so it can be secured inside a case or enclosure.
+5v and ground connections are passed through from one socket to the other. Data and +12V are not passed through so USB socket can only be used for power/charging purposes.
Dimensions (mm): 49 (l) x 20 (w) x 20 (h)
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Upon ordering this product is carefully assembled and tested by our in-house Technician to our high quality standards. Some products may need configuring or flashing with the latest firmware. Click here to learn more..


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